Ragbhir, known by his friends and family as Rags, has spent over 30 years of his life working within the Bexley Borough. Being a successful entrepreneur, in addition to winning various business awards, in recent years he has been judging Bexley's Excellence in Business Awards. Rags regards himself very much as a ‘people's person’ nothing makes this more obvious than him having a senior role within a local branch of an International Charity, he has a proven track record demonstrating his committed passion to the local community.
As a married man and father of two adult children, Rags is now dedicating most of his time to working with the residents of Bexley who gave him the opportunity to represent them at Bexley's Civic Centre, this is considered by Rags as being a privileged position.
Having a good, strong work ethic and being a real champion about all things local, Rags is keen to build on the solid community foundations of the Bexley Borough.
Rags can be contacted directly through this link which takes you through to his Bexley Council webpage.